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Lion Hotel And Suite

96 hrs




"My work experience was a crazy one tho I just finished my 3rd year first semester and we went for IT due to where I can actually do my IT is far and transportation is expensive I had to option for an hotel work in Enugu lion hotel zoo estate independence layout Enugu . All I can say is it was perfect I learnt a lot I was diligent to my job and I started as a portal to waiter never made friend at work just work Nd home because I don’t want to be distracted there was a time I broke a glass and I paid for it from my salary At first we were giving afternoon meal only while we fend for our morning meal since I will be spending 24 hours at work And they eventually stop giving us I don’t know why but it affected me tho due to I was trying to save Our cellphone are been held at the gate I think that’s the hotel policy tho My manager was a good man and a great man Our HR is a troublesome man and very wicked lol My co worker were nice and wonderful people except Ruth lol she always talk about she been the first to start work and been our senior lol Although I resigned and went back to school for my final year after my IT Lion hotel Enugu thank you And thank you opendish for giving me this platform to share my experience God bless"

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