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NTA Channel 5

35 hrs




"NTA channel 5 was the second place worked. Honestly I was not so impressed with the environment when I got there, I was carried away with the outlook of the place and did not think about what I would possibly learn from the organization. The reason I chose NTA was because I wanted to broaden my horizons in journalism and get actual knowledge, I didn't work there because of the pay or anything. One thing I'll give to NTA is that you'll learn, the knowledge gotten is one I would never trade, things I thought I knew, my perspective was completely changed, I had strict employers so I was very strict with my work which and very professional even on breaks, I learnt communication skills even with the hardest people, i learnt major confidence, even in the midst of where you are hated you speak. It was a very new experience for me but I'm glad I had it."

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